We know what is possible when the unspoken is voiced, shared and listened to.

What we do

We offer a range of services from consultancy, group and one to one coaching, facilitated discussion, experiential workshops.

We know that these conversations aren’t always comfortable but they are rich and liberating.

We work responsively and create a bespoke offer that meeds your needs but our work always involves the three elements below.

  1. Identify

We bring what’s in the background into the foreground and name the unspoken, creating an opportunity for human relationships to transform in the context of race and racism. 

2. Create

This work creates a safe space that supports groups to begin having conversations that explore the impact of race and racism on their lives and the lives of others. 

3. Transform

Cultural transformation requires commitment; this work goes beyond the required standard of cognitive understanding of concepts and digs deep into feelings and experiences, building on the journey of the awareness and moving into positive, practical cultural change.